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10% Off For Your First Order. Use Code: P10

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Terms & Conditions

Access to and use of this website is subject to the following terms, which we may update occasionally. By utilizing this site, you acknowledge and consent to these terms.


Age Restriction

This site is accessible only to those who are at the age of 18 and older or of legal drinking age in your country of residence. If the criteria are not met, you must discontinue using the site.


Website Transactions

When purchasing through our website, you may be asked to create an account with a username and password, which should remain confidential. You are responsible for all actions under your account and must report any unauthorized use. Purchases are subject to our Conditions of Sale.



To make a purchase on the website, we may require to create an account with username and password. You must keep username and password details confidential and secure at all times. You must not allow other individuals to use your account. Do not post unauthorized, harmful, or misleading content or any content that could infringe on the rights of others.



Our Privacy Policy governs any personal information that was submitted by you.



We may offer downloadable materials, provided with a personal use license. These materials must not be redistributed or altered. Use of such items at your own risk


External Links

We are not accountable for any third-party sites or their content linked to our site.


Saved Payment Details

For your convenience, you can store your credit card details securely, with encryption for safety. Full credit card details are never fully displayed, and you can modify or remove your details anytime.



This website may contain promotion in relation of our products or those of third parties. The terms and conditions for those promotions will be specified on the relevant part of the website. By participating in the relevant promotion, you agree to be bound by the relevant terms and conditions.


Website Disclaimer

Efforts are made to maintain the accuracy of this website, yet no warranty is given. The site and its contents come “as is,” and all guarantees regarding this website’s information (this includes content, usage, computer security during access, viruses, site availability, security, and data integrity) are hereby disclaimed to the fullest extent permissible by law. Our liability (this includes our affiliates) for any losses or damages from your use of this site is not assumed. We may alter or revoke website access at our discretion without prior notification or obligation to you.


Privacy Policy


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As we are trying our best to launch our new website to provide you with a better Maison Blue experience, if you encounter any issues on our website, please don't hesitate to contact us. THANK YOU!​